Creating an Invoice with LawPay Payment Options

Setting up and sending your first EasyEviction invoice connected to an auto-generated LawPay invoice

EasyEviction's LawPay integration makes it easy to provide your clients with the ability to pay your invoices online.
As a prerequisite, you must have an attorney EasyEviction account with an active Professional or Enterprise license. 

Setting up and sending invoices 

Start by navigating to the Invoices page and pressing "Create New Invoice" or navigating to this link. Once there, choose a client you wish to invoice:

Once selected, you're now able to specify all of the invoice details. 

Starting from the top, if your account is integrated with LawPay, the "Create a LawPay Invoice" should be automatically selected. The "LawPay Bank Account" field should be automatically filled with the LawPay bank accounts in your LawPay account. You must select a bank account to proceed.

Moving down, the client name, address, and details are auto-filled in the "Client Information" section along with the client's "Invoice Email" address value in the "Email Address" field. This "Email Address" value is one of the required fields for sending the invoice with LawPay options. The right side shows the "Invoice Details" which are prefilled with default values and are not required to be modified. As a note, the "credit" value will be deducted from the invoice total.

The bottom part of this page is where you select or add new billable items (or line items). This section is pre-populated with any billable items added to evictions and not already added to any other invoices. In addition, you can specify a billable item not tied to any specific eviction by pressing the "Add Billable Item" button. One or more billable item has to be selected to continue.

Once all required fields are filled, press the "Save" button.

Once saved, the invoice is created and saved as a draft. In addition, a LawPay invoice is generated and attached to the invoice. The invoice is currently in a "draft" state which simply means it has not been sent to the client and is not accessible through the client portal--and it is still possible to delete the invoice. Otherwise, the LawPay payment page link is live and the PDF that is generated has a link to that payment page.

Once ready to send, press the "Send Invoice" button in the top right.

A Send Invoice window will pop up with an email template that includes the usual details--remaining balance, due date, etc--as well as a link to LawPay's payment page. Pressing "Send" will send the message to the selected email addresses. Your invoice is now final and out of draft mode. In addition, the invoice is now visible on the client portal (if the client has set up their account).

Here's what LawPay's invoice payment page looks like once the invoice has been generated:

What happens when the client pays an invoice on the LawPay payment page?

Should your client decide to navigate to the attached LawPay invoice payment page and make a payment toward your invoice, LawPay will notify EasyEviction about the payment and the amount paid will be reflected in the invoice.

What if the client makes a check or cash payment toward the invoice?

Any check or cash payments can be recorded on the EasyEviction invoice page using the "Record Payment" button. The amount entered will be reflected in both EasyEviction's system as well as LawPay. This means that if a partial payment is recorded the payment amount will be deducted from invoice total in both systems. If a full payment is recorded then the invoice will be marked as paid in both systems as well.

See more about Recording Payments here.

Should you need any help or have questions, our support team is here to assist you.


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