Multiple Court Dates

How to Generate Multiple Court Dates.

Written by Franzi Kinawag
Updated this week

Discover simple techniques for adding, managing, and tracking multiple court dates along with their history using this guide. See how you can switch to a user-friendly array of court dates, complete with descriptions, for a simpler and more organized case.


Select a case in the 'Eviction Inbox' to open the 'Eviction Details Page'

Click the "Add Task" tab, then select "Court"

Select 'Court' upon clicking the Task Type bar.

Edit the fields

Enter the Name, edit the Description (Optional), and adjust the Court Date and Time. Click the Save button to preserve the changes.

Follow the same steps outlined above to generate Numerous Court Dates.

Array of Court Dates: Right-Side Display

A success message ("Task successfully saved.") will appear at the bottom of the page to confirm that the added task has been entered into the system.
Saved tasks or multiple generated court dates will be displayed on the right side of the page.

Manual Edit Feature

Click a task to reveal four manual editing options.

Activity Log: Display of Completed Tasks

View the completed tasks in the Activity Log section.

Daily Docket: Complete Court Task or Workflow Step

Click the Hammer Icon or the Daily Docket Widget on the left to view tasks for Today, This Week, or This Month. Here, you can update the judgment details by either completing the step, completing the step & next, or making modifications to any details.

You may switch off the 'Complete current step (File Eviction)' option to complete the court task for the case without progressing to the next workflow step.

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