Daily Docket: Bulk Update of Cases

How to Update Multiple Cases All at Once.

Written by Franzi Kinawag
Updated over a week ago

EasyEviction's Daily Docket facilitates the generation of multiple cases, offering a one-click solution for effortless viewing, editing, and management.
Here is a guide to help you understand how this enhanced feature enables you to input docket results, including continuance dates, dismissals, and more, all at once!

1. Click the Hammer Icon or Daily Docket Widget.

2. Generate Multiple Cases: Customize Dates

a) To generate multiple cases, freely edit the court date in the 'Court Days Between' bar or click the Calendar Icon to choose a custom date.

b) You can also generate multiple cases easily by clicking on "Today," "This Week," or "This Month".

Sorting Multiple Cases

Click the "Sort Icon" to arrange the cases according to Date, Tenant Last Name, or Docket Number.

You can also sort by specifying the County or Assigned Attorney.

3. Click the "Ellipsis Icon" to Edit.

Selecting this icon enables you to edit the generated multiple cases.

4. Manage selected multiple evictions.

Choose the evictions to edit from the list on the left.


Input court dates or docket results. Then, click Update 3 Evictions to modify the selected cases at the same time.


Select the Judgment for the cases selected. Then, click Update 3 Evictions to apply the changes to the cases all at once.

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