Attorney Portal: Adding a new user

This article will show you on how to add another user to your EasyEviction Account.

Written by Franzi Kinawag
Updated over a week ago

Adding users to your organization can help make your firm more productive and efficient. To get started adding more users to your account, you must be an admin user and your subscription must have extra licenses to cover any new users you plan to add. To update your subscription to include more users, please review the documentation on adjusting your subscription.
​Note: You must first be an admin to see the admin settings.

  1. On your EasyEviction Dashboard, click the gear icon or "Admin Settings" button.

  2. Click "Manage Users" on the left pane.

  3. Click the "Invite User" button located on the right corner of your screen to add a new user.

  4. An Invite User Popup Form will appear. Fill out the required details of the new user. Entering the Email, First name, and Last name will automatically pre-fill the subject and message with template language which will be sent to the user's email address.

    Select a Role for the Invited User.

  5. Once you are satisfied with all the details, click the "Invite" button.

  6. A popup notification will appear at the bottom of your screen informing you that the user has been successfully added. You will see the new user's name under the Active Users.

  7. Let the added user accept the invitation in his or her mail.

    The added user must see an email invitation that looks like this.

  8. The invited user can now access the EasyEviction account after clicking the "Activate Account" button. After which, the user will be prompted to change his or her password.


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