Confirming your new account

Completing the attorney registration process

Alex Sukhodolsky avatar
Written by Alex Sukhodolsky
Updated over a week ago

So you filled out and submitted the registration form--now what?

You should receive a confirmation email.

Clicking the "Activate Account" button on the email will take you to a form with three simple steps:

Step 2: Law Firm Information

The first step is...easy. Just click the "Next" button. Then you'll be asked to fill out some information about your law firm--including a logo. Why are we asking? First, it will help us know who's using Easy Eviction. Second, the information you enter and the logo you upload will be used to generate detailed and impressive invoices that you'll be sending to your clients. Finally, once you fall in love with Easy Eviction and upgrade your account we'll use this information for billing purposes.

Got it? Great! Let's check out the final step below.

Step 3:

The final step in the confirmation process is to specify a custom path for your very own new client intake page. Simply choose a unique address path using only letters, numbers, and dashes.

Need some inspiration? Check out a test intake page here:

Note: See the logo in the top left of the intake page? The logo you uploaded in the last step.

Once you pick a valid path and press "Get Started" you'll be redirected to the login page where you'll be able to log in using the email address and password you specified in the registration process.

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